Half-century of the Tweet...

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Senior Airman
Jan 25, 2009
South Shore of Nova Scotia
...comes to an end on Friday with the retirement of the Cessna T-37. I always liked that little bird. I liked to wander around them at airshows. They seemed like a friendly little aircraft that would be fun to fly. I guess maybe because they were so low to the ground that you could step right into them like the little GA prop planes I was used to.

It's more powerful, armed version, the A-37 COIN jet, was kind'a cool,too.

So long, Tweet!


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We visited a family friend who was an instructor in 37s at Kelly AFB outside of San Antonio. Being the stupid 12 year old that I was, I asked him why he didn't prefer the sexy T-38 that was also on the tarmac. His laconic response was that he liked to be able to see what his students were doing. Makes perfect sense now.
You're welcome.
They're the Portuguese Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron.
They used to do a manouver with the T-37, which was two of them mirroring each other (one on top of the other, upside down). I was told the tricky part was because when the T-37 is inverted, it's engines get out of fuel after a few seconds (6s or 10s, I forgot which), so they had to time each move so the inverted one above, didn't fall on the other...


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