"Halsey's Typhoon"

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1st Lieutenant
Apr 27, 2008
Hurst, Texas
I just finished "Halsey's Typhoon" (Bob Drury and Tom Clavin), and despite the jerky backwards-and-forwards start, with entire chapters devoted to naval history and meteorology (not as bad as they sound, and they are closely related to the subject matter, not just thrown in for fluff and extra page-count) interspersed, it was actually a very good book. Once the typhoon slammed into the fleet, I had a very hard time putting the book down (darn 1-hour lunches!). I'd actually picked this up in the bookstore at the airport back in '07, and it kept getting pushed back on my to-be-read bookshelf at home. Kinda wish I'd gotten to it sooner!

Amazon.com: Halsey's Typhoon: The True Story of a Fighting Admiral, an Epic Storm, and an Untold Rescue: Robert Drury, Tom Clavin: Books
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I just ordered this book from Amazon. I saw it in a store months ago, and didn't buy it. When I went back, it was gone. I've read references to the
storm, in other books, and I believe at least four DD's went down. Damage to other ships was considerable, also.

I agree, that was a good book.

I liked the line where one of the typhoon battered destroyers comes into port and berths next to a battleship, who sarcastically asks them what type of ship they are and the destroyer captain replies in kind! Great smart-ass response...

Again, like most military books a mixture of stupidity/error/bad luck and the courage to over come it.
And a lot of guess-work on the part of the meteorologists, with the usual mis-laid reports and "probable" sightings of the Japanese fleet.
I just started reading this book. Being ex-navy, I understand what is being said and pretty much what is going on. However, I have a problem....

I can't put the book down !!

edit: I bought the book from Amazon, on-line. In the front it's inscribed, "To David, from Gramdma - 2007"

I picked it up in an airport shop, it was stashed up on the top shelf. Picked the dang thing up in 2007, and didn't read it until this year. I'm sorta torn as to feelings about my Navy time...part of me hated every minute of it and would love to put those memories to rest, but part of me is proud I went through it. So, I have a hard time reading Navy-related books. Same goes for the book I'm reading now, "Ship of Ghosts". I've had it awhile, but kept shuffling it backwards on my 'to read' shelf. Good book, and I salute the men who went through that hell. But it took me awhile to start reading it.
I can understand your ill feelings toward the Navy, RA. I gave them 21 years, and for the most part had some good times and good duty. I have met men
who hated every minutes of it, and never figured out why. You being from Texas, and the nearest ocean many miles away, might be the reason.

I find the book thrilling....

Gotta check this out... Maybe it will mitigate my low opinion of the "Fighting Admiral." I doubt it. The guy sank almost as many USN ships as the IJN. Of course, I harshly include the Hornet, Atlanta and the Juneau to the talley of Halsey casualties, not to mention Admiral's Scott and Calahan and the career of Helena's promising skipper: Captain Gil Hoover.
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