Hangar 14

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Hey Chris with the third shot down ,howd you manage that?

very well done,looks awesome with the moon in the backround

Do they let you get that close when its outside? Whats the security like up there?
Great shots,

I'm looking forward to Wings next year with the 2 seat spitty making an appearance.
I hope theres more WW1 stuff as well, I can never make it down to Omaka, and this is the best I can get.
Great shots,

I'm looking forward to Wings next year with the 2 seat spitty making an appearance.
I hope theres more WW1 stuff as well, I can never make it down to Omaka, and this is the best I can get.

where in NZ are ya mate? I'm bout 5 minutes walk to Hood Aerodrome and would be good to link up with you there, and same can't wait to hear that Merlin engine over Wairarapa!!! and to be honest with you all the shot of the Corsair outside the hangar is not mine but i added it because it is simply beautifull!
And Dan, what security!!? there is none! the second shot is off the net, but I have been able, when I've been there, to walk around the aircraft, touch them and just generally soak in her mystique which I must admit is the best thing around... the freedom to not be held back by ropes and rules just being able to look around a drink in the greatness!!!
Im in New Plymouth, So not so much ww2 vintage stuff here, The Closest we have is Brett Emerys vampire, and his group Yaks which I went for a Aerobatics flight in earlier this year.

I will be a Wings next year my father in law and I have made a deal to attend every 2 years, Plus I can tell him about the aircraft instead of listening to him and his motorbikes

Great shots,

I'm looking forward to Wings next year with the 2 seat spitty making an appearance.
I hope theres more WW1 stuff as well, I can never make it down to Omaka, and this is the best I can get.

They're gona have to spitfires?The double seater from the states and what other one?

either way 2 Spitfires1

Man sounds like I need to get there Asap!

Sounds awesome!
The Old Stick and Rudder Company, to whom this beauty belongs to, held open days not so long ago so I got in then!! It is open by arrangment as far as I know and will be open to the public during the armistace day display day!
They also have a website that displays the aircraft, and links to other vintage aircraft operators on field!

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