Hanger Makeover

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Great stuff Vic.
I've finally got the cabinets I needed too. A couple of large, light oak, glass door bookcases, with deep shelves and internal lighting, and some all-glass, tall narrow cabinets, all picked up cheap - very cheap - from a disposal company and ex-store display. So I now have plenty of display space, but no room in the house for anything else!
Wow, talk about a dyslexic moment, when I'd first seen the thread title, I read "Hangover Maker" and was looking for a great drink recipe. Anyhoo...very nice set-up you have Vic.

I'm not gonna say a single word, because if I do, you'll all sing in unison you've got to build and finish something, to need these things, so I'll be just sitting here and be quiet, very quiet, with my friends Morgan and Jerry, who sympathise with and understand me, like real friends do....

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