Hans Ulrich Rudel, Tank Destroyer...

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I dont think I was being rude in my posts, though the discussion I was following did get off topic. We got into a fairly indepth discussion about the application of air power on the eastern front, and I felt it necessary to point out how the Soviets managed to have a greater impact on the battle, depite inferior equipment and pilots. They were playing a numbers game, but so too were they at the beginning, but unlike the beginning, where the VVS was reduced to impotence, in the second half of the war, they appear to have had a very great impact. The difference IMO was because the Russians learned how to extract the best advantage out of their number advantages, and to extract the best out of the equipment and personnel they possessed.

In another thread we were able to get rough numbers of Allied, German and Soviet Tank Aces, but we have never been able to get comparative numbers for ground support specialists of non-german airforces. This remains an open invitation....how do the numbers stack up?
We have never been

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