Harmless Fishies...

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A tavern up the road had two Pirahnas. One was over 30lbs, the other just under. For their hype, they are boring. A buddy of mine blew through a few (like you guys said they were apparently hard to keep). Feeding was not all it was cracked up to be. I was expecting churning red water, gnashing teeth, red goo all over the place. Apparently that's only in the cartoons. About the most brutal thing I ever saw was one of them ate another fish half again as large as he was and he swam around for a couple days with the poor blokes tail hanging out of his mouth while he digested the body.


  • Vid Piranhas and Smelt.wmv
    4.9 MB · Views: 64
  • Vid Piranhas vs Goldfish.WMV
    4.8 MB · Views: 61
Excellent. I liked the second video of the mouse and the one with the goldfish. Hehehe. The goldfish trying to swim away...with half it's body missing. Brutal.
I never fed mine and will not feed my future ones mice. I dont have a problem with feeding mice and rats to my snakes but I find it sort of cruel to feed them to the pirannahs. I allways fed mine fish and will continue to do so.
I dont know I just find it kind of cruel to throw a mouse in an aquarium. I dont believe in animal cruelity. Its wiered, I dont have a problem feeding mice and rats to my snakes.

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