Too willing to part with money Geo.
Only doing planes that we have real examples of in the collection.
They are going in 6 casses along the back wall of the main hall so visitors can kinda preview them before going thru the hangars. That's why I am having custom decals printed so they are just what they will see. Hence the new window layout in the Connie decals because this one is a Mil version and had many things different. It's not meant to be a QANTAS replica.
But I was in the Hunter Valley and a little "museum" with 3 planes had a Winjeel, a USNavy Steerman and a Tiger Moth! All were airworthy and rides could be hired..... great people and the planes were busy! Pictures attached.
Glad it arrived in time for Christmas Bill. I never unwrapped it when the seller shipped it to me so the hole may have been there when I shipped it to you. Curious to see if you use the masks.