HARS Museum updates and sometimes requests

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Not a vacuum FORM, a CHAMBER!
It would be a sealable Chamber. A tank to pull a vacuum in. After mixing the mold silicon you put it in the chamber, pull a vacuum on it to remove bubbles before making the mold and it becomes very smooth, no pits in the cast part.

What I have done is the easy way, but has to be repaired a bit because of the bubbles in the mold.

I'm filling and sanding. Had a big lesion on the tail pipe so I used Miliput to repair, that is out of reach and will be sanded down before priming and painting. It's going well!
What about using a large resalable container like a big Tupperware. Cut a hole in it to except a shop vac attachment which you epoxy to the box. Hook up the shop vac and you have a vacuum chamber.
There is so much vacuum pulled I think tupperware would collapse.
However a 15mm thick plastic lid on a heavy cooking pot does work.
There are a couple of examples on youtube and film clips of commercially available units.
It does Paul, just speck-u-latin how anybody could afford to collect them.
There is a forum for collectors, some have them in storage just taking up space.
Been picking at the 707 the last couple of days. Epoxy glued the wing splits after doing a rough sand and prime to rid it of the ugly crazing of the clear coat. Again I think the splits are from dismantling the model while still On the stand. Fortunately when I did it I supported the stand, but it would have fallen over onto the wing with a big thud!

After finishing the epoxy off and priming I'll gather the two wings and compare and do some final fixing before I spray them silver. Been considering doing the two shades of silver for mid panels and leading and trailing edges. It wasn't there to begin with, so may not try to Improve anything.

I sailor on.


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This wing should have been posted here!
My tube bondo to fill the deep crazing. A block sanding and maybe I can start painting silver.
So there!


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Well I have received and started on the 1/48th Academy F-111C...... Big sucker!

Now since they want these display models I build in the Landing configuration I will have pylons empty, and god help me, the flaps extended.

Now this is posing a problem. There are some aftermarket flaps and slats, but they don't have very good reviews. The older ones do, but are not available. So, off I go again, casting, molding, shaping and a-scratchin.

The C model is a rather odd one. The RAAF wanted longer wings, so, a meter or 3 feet was added to each wing. Longer flaps and slats as well. So even resin stuff has to be added on to. Since wings will be extended permanently I can glue the wings together before I cast the leading and trailing edges. And there is a mating line in the mold of the wings where the mold was changed to add the 3 feet, rather poorly done really. So it will have to be carefully finished smooth. Pictures when I get something done.

Help here.....
Does anyone have a good photo of a pylon with the hanger attachments???? I'd like to detail this on the pylons.


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And now................... I've got another to build, the Vampire.
At today's IPMS meeting, a member is lightening his stash and I got a 1/48th Classic Airframes Vampire for a mere 25 bucks! A steal. So now I have 4 on the bench, Connie, F-111, C-47 and now the Vamp. Overload. Now I have to find or create decals fo this one as well.

I also took my repaired 747 to show.

But I sailor on


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Since these models will be in flight in the landing config. I need a couple of 48th pilots fo the F-111.
Anyone recognize these Hasegawa pilots?


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