Hasegawa B6N2 Bomber

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Senior Airman
Apr 26, 2005
I know this would fit into the Heavy hitters build but my computer is down for the count at the moment and posting from my phone is a pain. Any way this is one I'm working on at the moment. I'll do a better update once I get my computer issues sorted.
I found the tunnel blank didn't fit all that well so I thought I'd see how the parts for the open position fit, and to me the look better plus it is possible to see into the back a bit so I figured I'd play around and add a bit of clutter in the unlikely case somebody decided to poke around in there. I have an etch set on its way so just playing arond with what I can til it arrives.
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Looking really nice so far, can't wait see some paint on the innards. You may want to change that 5 to a 6 in the designation though. ;)

Thanks guys :)
Looking really nice so far, can't wait see some paint on the innards. You may want to change that 5 to a 6 in the designation though. ;)

Oops, I've been enjoying this one so much and I downloaded a Kindle book about the Kate and Jill I'v been looking at picking up a B5N so I've got that one on the brain. Thanks for the pointer. Sorry about that Geo, it's the same kit
Thank you all for your support, I should be getting my computer back soon so updates shall resume shortly. Haven't done much on this one for a bit after a bit of an IP decal disaster, instead I took a break and finished off a shelf queen. I'll post up some pics of that soon, and then work will resume on this kit.
Time for a bit of an update I think, here I've taken the bit behind the pilots seat and opened it up, it wasn't a solid piece on the real thing and to me it looks a bit better. I also added a few stringers to it to break up the backside a bit although I'm not sure how much of that would be seen.

I've also been adding a bit of ribbing into the rear area where the lower machine gun mount is

Been making some progress, since I have the etch set I thought I'd give some of it a shot,

Ultimately I think much of it is a lot of work for little gain so I won't be using a lot of it. I did get a fair amount done in the interior and I am happy with how it's turning out so far


Got the clear coat on what's done


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