Some time ago, my brother and I went to Berlin. It's really a great city and a must visit for tourists in Europe. It's of course because of the strange history (division and Nazi regime). For our sense of history, we decided to go to Wannssee, a lake not far from the big city. On the shores of the lake you can find the villa where Heidrich and his compagnions designed the extinction of all "unter mensch" in the "Wannsee conferenz". In one big meeting, these "men" decided the fate of milions of europeans. The building is a museum now and you can visit it free of charge. Apart from the holcaust pictures we've seen so often, you can also read the notes taken during the meeting. It's quite chilling to read the very unemotional and methodical way these people were talking about planning mass-murder, sterilisation and other means to get rid of the people they had a prejudice against. The papers can be read online, here.
For us this experience was even more impressive than the visit of Bergen Belsen.
We usually salute the soldiers who died in this great war and rightfully so. But I would here salute all people, civilians and soldiers who were sacrificed for the dreams of these madmen

Below, Haus am Wannsee when we were there.
For us this experience was even more impressive than the visit of Bergen Belsen.
We usually salute the soldiers who died in this great war and rightfully so. But I would here salute all people, civilians and soldiers who were sacrificed for the dreams of these madmen

Below, Haus am Wannsee when we were there.