Healing the Wound That Won't Heal: the Reality of Trauma

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May 2, 2022

"Healing the Wound That Won't Heal: the Reality of Trauma."

This book is a chronicle of my uncovering and healing (such as it is) the abandonment trauma and neglect I suffered as an infant due to my father's extreme World War II trauma. Norman Holweger was the waist gunner on Hadley's Harem, on the mission to bomb the oil refineries at Ploesti, Romania. He flew several more missions before returning to Ohio. The last year of his life was the first year of my life, as I witnessed his slow and horrible death, watching him die when I was thirteen-months-old. The book is available at Amazon.com. I am now writing "Forgotten Soldier: My Father's WWII Story: Ploesti, Romania." If you would like to read it please contact me.


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