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Senior Airman
Jun 16, 2007
Louisville, KY
I'm from Louisville, KY, and we are blessed to have some warbirds locally, a couple of Mustangs, Corsairs, a Thunderbolt, and a rack of T-6s, among others. I'm probably not as knowledgeable as most of you, but I try to keep up with most of what went on, back in the day.
I don't fly, but have jumped out of a lot of aircraft in my time, (C-130s, -141s, Hueys, CH-47s, etc) so I tend to think of some aircraft in that context.
I am more interested in "other" countries aircraft than the US stuff, since I've read about all I can find on the US aircraft, and some of the RAF. Hopefully, I'll be able to learn more about all the combatant aircraft of WWII here. We've been starved from more info here in the States, at least, so it seems.

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