Help finding a prop for my Super Connie

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Nov 1, 2009
Miranda, NSW
Here's what I need.
If you have a 1/48th B-24 prop, could you measure the length of a single blade from spinner to tip and let me know what that measurement is.
As in the photo, the true length of the prop on the kit should be 28mm.

Hamilton Standard 6959B-0, 15'-2" diameter for the military engined Super Connie.
Does anyone know if this prop was used on any other aircraft? Our manuals do not give this info.

I am trying to find the same profile for the 1/72 model I am building for the HARS museum of our Super Connie, see Start to Finish builds. The Heller kit propeller is a paddle type for the civilian version which did not use the Ham Std prop. Attached is a picture of the Connie in the museum collection. I need that profile in a length of 28-30mm from hub to tip.

I believe the B-24 used the same PROFILE, but not the same length at 1/72. I am thinking the 1/48th scale B-24 prop may do the trick. If anyone has a 1/48th B-24 prop in their stash could you check it's length and see if it is somewhere in the 28-30mm length range. If it is 30 I may get away with it, or do a little trimming and it can work.

Thanks for looking in...........


  • Connie S2F - 7.jpg
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Sorry about the long delay. I only returned home recently from being more than 500 miles away. Here is a picture of a prop from the Monogram B-24J. I hope it helps. I also added another B-24 prop photo that I saw at Greenville, SC.



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