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It's not No.4 I don't know. No.4 was for destroying sails. No.2 is grape shot for destroying PEOPLE. No.3 is for destroying hulls and I don't know No.1...
Hmmmm....I tough that you going to post some METALLIC cartrigde pictures. Tricky boy

That is, as other members said are navy ball smoothbore shots, I really have no idea of the caliber but due his his maquiavelic shape and effect on target it was designed for some british guy for sure.
You all win a star guys 1 3 are 32 pounder bar shot for dismasting.
quite right D no2 is 10 ball bagged grape shot and 4 is chain shot for rigging removal. Im impressed guys well done.
It's because I play Port Royale 2, it's set in 17th Century Caribbean.

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