Heraldry of Regia Aeronautica (WW2 Italian Airforce)

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Tech Sergeant
Dec 16, 2009
Milan, Italy
unfortunately this book is in Italian only, but if you are interested in Regia Aeronautica or are planning to build a model representing one of their aircraft, you should have this book.

back cover:

This book, 111 pages in A4 format includes many pictures and artworks concerning the history and the heraldry of the following R.A. units:
17° Gruppo
- 3° Stormo
- 4° Stormo (first emblem with "'Uomo Alato" winged man)
- 15° Gruppo R.T then A.O. (West Africa9
- 6° Stormo
- 25° Gruppo B.T.
- La Cucaracha emblem
- Gamba di Ferro (iron leg) emblem
- 93 Squadriglia
- 21° Gruppo C.T. (Fighters)
- 105° Gruppo B.T. then A.S.
- 96° Gruppo Bombardamento a Tuffo (dive bombing)
- 278 Squadriglia and 132° Gruppo A.S. (North Africa)
- 24 Gruppo C.T.
- 193 Squadriglia B.T. (Bombers)
- 54° Stormo C.T.
- The "Gatto con gli Stivali" emblem
- 22° Gruppo C.T.
- The "Gigi Tre Osei" emblem
- 41° Stormo
- The "Vespa Arrabbiata" (angry wasp) emblem
- 160° Gruppo C.T.

The above is the first volume only, a second will follow.
If you are at all interested I suggest to contact the editor

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