Hermann Goering Division Training Glider? (2 Viewers)

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Mar 27, 2023
First off, is this a known model of German glider? I couldn't find anything similar. Secondly, I'm wondering if this might have been a training glider for pilots of the 1st Fallschirm-Panzer Division -- maybe even used by pilots who flew during the raid on Eben Emael?

This is the enlarged and improved Lippisch RRG R Va "Falke" glider from 1931, less-known variant of the quite popular RRG "Falke" from 1930. The gliders were used as a secondary training one. It was produced under a licence in a couple of countires eg .... in the Great Britain as the Slingsby Falcon on sale until 1939. It is a civilian glider but not a military one. It was used by the Deutschen Luftsport-Verband (DLV) in the Weimar Republic, later the Nationalsozialistischer Fliegerkorps (NSFK) in 30'. By the end of 30' it became obsolete and I doubt it could be used by the 1st Fallschirm-Panzer Division for the attack on the Eben-Emael as it was a single-seater. The name "Hermann Göring" is the name given for many planes at that time because of the propaganda or as it was said, to honor the pilot and one of the lords of the Third Reich. IMHO it has nothing in common with any military unit. Regarding the training glider for Fallschirm-Panzer pilots ... most of the future Luftwaffe pilots started their training in the DLV/NSFK flying clubs. So being the young adepts of the flying they could get the training with the glider too. However the military schools used slightly different stuff for the training process. Judging by the markings on the glider the picture was taken at least in 1934 or later.

PS. RRG = Rhön-Rossitten Gesellschaft - Rhön-Rossitten Company.

BTW ... for the attack on the Eben-Emael Germans used the DFS 230 transport gliders.

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