That second pic shows him quite young, standing in front of a Bf-109B....
I quite agree, Medvedya, it is important historically to have access to information of dudes like him....The bright side to all this, was that his life was short. They managed to take him out in 1942, and he didn't go on to do more damage, unlike some of his other cohorts....
What amazes me is we still have these other ''little Reinhardts' ''doing similar genocides, like in [eg:], Bosnia, Sudan and Zimbabawee....makes the UN really appear to be the ''paper tiger'' it is, when it comes to tracking-down and sorting these psychopathic meglomanics out......
Rest assured Pisis, I'm sure no-one here glorifies him, there is respect for the German Luftwaffe members who flew and fought a good fight, as they thought they were doing their job as soldiers, fighting for their Country. Those like Heydrich sullied their reputation, in fact, all decent Germans, even though their cause was seriously flawed.......