Flying The B-26 Marauder Over Europe

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1st Lieutenant
May 30, 2011
Cape Canaveral
This book seems to have had very limited distribution and is all but unknown; it deserves much better. I bought a used copy from an Internet source several years ago. To my knowledge there has been very little in terms of written personal accounts of the B-26 in USAAF or RAF use in WW2. Admittedly, it saw much less use than did the B-25 and seems to be recalled much less fondly. Nobody was using B-26's for training or mosquito spraying after WW2! The book was written by a B-26 navigator and gives better insight into their operations than anything else I've read, including why their loss rate was so low.

This website offers a PDF copy of Flying the B-26 Marauder Over Europe:


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