Highest Power/Weight ratio engine

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Airman 1st Class
Apr 23, 2020
I need an an engine that produces at least 1,200 hp (or much more). It needs to be reliable enough to put onto single engine fighters. It needs to be available in April 1944 or earlier.

Total weight is the weight of the engine plus fuel for four hours. I want the best horsepower / total_weight ratio.

Any nationality. Even Sweden or Brazil if they have the best engine.

Jets don't count.

Name that engine!
I'll take a stab at it. Wright Cyclone. Was used on the Buffalo. Just use an engine built to spec and not one of the questionable ones I've read anecdotes about.
At what altitude do you want the power to be developed? Having the highest power at sea level is not always optimal.
What power do you want for the 4 hours cruise? BSFC min is usually at low rpm.
Liquid cooled engines probably also need to account for the weight of the cooling system.
Best altitudes would be different for Naval and AF aircraft.

Most Naval engagements took place at lower altitudes, around the carrier and up to about 12 - 15,000 feet, at least in the PTO. I'd make best altitude for a Navy fighter around 18,000 feet with capability to get to 32,000 feet or so. They didn't have fuel to go for long escorts. They were for fleet attack and defense.

Most USAAF engagements took place higher, at least in the ETO. Somewhere around 20 - 35,000 feet. I'd make best altitude for a USAAF fighter around 23,000 feet with capability to get as high as possible.

Different missions. But, hey, that's just me and I wasn't in the decision making slot at the time.

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