Hillary for President!!!

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Certainly not. But I'm sure he'll run republican in alignment with his prior stint as Senator.
Absolutely, that's where his power base came from and it would probably get him elected again if he stays far enough away from Bush.
At this time I think Thompson is the only politician that I even remotely feel comfortable voting for. Not one of the Dems gives me a warm fuzzy. It was really looking like the old "Who's the lesser of two evils" scenario.

What has Obama done in the past that makes you think he could "competently handle the situation in Iraq"? Besides his speeches?
In my opinion: Nothing. He's all talk.
The Dems criticise Bush on Iraq but their only plan is to cut and run.
Yep. For what its worth, I read a poll (can't recall the source) that said Hillary is clearly the leader among democrats, but gets spanked by virtually every Republican. Man that's refreshing.
I no longer have dual citizenship. I used to have German and American but I gave up my German. I am attempting to get my German back as well though now that according to German law I can have both US and German citizenship at the same time again. It also depends if I can keep my US still now.

As long as you don't renounce your US citizenship you should be OK.
Well Adler you better stay put for 4 years anyway. Man I hope I'm wrong but if that wing-nut gets into office we are going to fall on our faces

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