HMS Victory

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You're bleeding joking Les (on all three counts)
I couldnt get her to go on something like that if I stuck stuck half a pound of C4 in her knickers. Give her an old mansion or gardens and she's off like a rat up a drain pipe, but say the words military,naval or airforce and I get the silent treatment.
Nelson's flagship, HMS Victory, at the battle of Trafalgar, had a crew of 441 English, 64 Scots, 63 Irish, 18 Welsh, three Shetlanders, two Channel Islanders, one Manxman, as well as seventy one foreigners made up of 22 Americans, seven Dutch, six Swedes, four Italians, four Maltese, three Frenchmen (probably Royalist volunteers), three Norwegians, three Germans, two Swiss, two Portugese, two Danes, two Indians, one Russian, one African and nine West Indians.

"One can't beat a truly British crew."
Terrific in every way Trackend.
Great pics, great camera, great subject matter.

Just like to add my little bit here that I gleaned when I visited the ship.

There are only 9 iron cannon left on the ship today. All the rest are made of soft wood and painted black.
This was for two reasons.
Firstly because Britain was so short of raw materials and metal of every sort in 1940, all the other 91 cannon were melted down for the war effort.
Secondly, because the old hull is so frail, they concluded that the weight of the cannon was so great that they would all finish up on the sea floor and sink the ship.

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