HMS Victory

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Chief Master Sergeant
Dec 20, 2003
Ipswich, Suffolk
I went too Portsmouth yesterday and as its the 200th anniversary of Trafalgar I thought Id post some pics I took.
She is still used by the 1st Sealord for entertaining purposes in Nelsons state room and as such is the oldest commisioned warship in the world.

HMS Victory was a 100-gun First Rate ship designed by Sir Thomas Slade, the Surveyor of the Navy (1755-1771), according to the Establishment of 1745 as the only ship of its class and built in 1759-1765 at the Chatham Dockyard for the Royal Navy. cost £63,176
Tonnage: 2162
It was found when launch she had a list to starboard and required 38tons of corrective ballast
By the time of Trafalgar in 1805 she had been refitted several times and was an old lady.
Lower deck: 30 x 32 pound guns
Middle deck:28 x 18 pound guns
Upper deck: 30 x 12 pound guns
Quarter deck: 8 x 32 pound carronades
Forecastle: 2 x 32 pound carronades
Forecastle: 2 x 12 pound guns
Compliment 800
Cooks 1
Surgeons 1
Average limb amputation time 90seconds including cauterizing and major vessel tying.
Heads 6 Captain Hardy and Nelson had there own ablution facilities.

I have titled each picture in the form of a description


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I reckon it's the Ark Royal.

Excellent pictures, track! Wonderful! She's a beauty. :thumbright:
Is Ark Royal there? That's always in port 'cos it never f*ckin' does anything. But that's the same as all the Royal Navy these days. Budget cuts, budget cuts ...and show us the pics, track!
Nop D infact half the vessel I took pics of are due to be mothballed so I think we can whistle Dixie for those 2 new carriers


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Some pretty swell pics there, m8! :cool:
I'd post some of the Halifax Dockyard, but the zoom on my camera sucks and the only decent angles are from across the harbour in Dartmouth. :rolleyes:
I'll give it another shot sometime maybe. Not nearly as impressive as Illustrious though.:thumbleft:
Very nice pictures. One small observation HMS Glasgow is I think HMS Bristol which was a one off being the first of a class of ship designed to escort large carriers that were never built. The split rear funnel and Ikara mounts are the tell tale signs.
No Evan its my mate John he came back from the gulf a few months ago, Ive got some pics of me and him on HMS Warrior which I will post also.
It was Britains first Iron Clad built in 1860 and the contrast between Victory and Warrior shows how fast the
tecknowledgy advanced during the advent of steam driven war vessels and amour plate,
and of course with the Monitor and Merimac pushing design further still just 2 years later
it became the start of an arms race that carried on for over a hundred years in various forms.
has anyone heard about a half scale replica they've constructed of victory in north deven and are going to burn for charity, i've got a friend that might be going and i'm fishing for an invite and a stay at hers after........
Stay at her house afterwards, eh!?! Ooo, lanc tryin' to get in there. 8)
No ive not heard of it seems a bit of a waste but if it helps in your naval manouvering what the heck you little tyke Lanc ;)

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