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Yes, but that is a street tactic - rowdies, etc... One of local skins beat up my two female frineds! Then one of her girlfriend, he's a gipsy, kicked the shit out of him!

Kill 'em all!

When I'm prepared, I'll carry a gun and don't know if I don't kill one or two. Then I run to Israel.
there's one time in the university,y saw a guy with a bag oif my former tank unit,and we started to talk
he heard my argentinian accent and told me that after the army he went on the tradicional long trip to south america,with to friends,also former combat soldiers,one in artillery and the other in the paratroppers
they went to buenos aires,to a part of town called eleven,or balvanera,where are lot's of religius jew's
it was friday ,and they saw a old religius jew,being bothered and like atacked by 6 of those scum,they went to help him,and those scum left the old men and tried to came to theisraelis,you know,is lot's more fun to beat 3 jews instead of 1

BIG MISTAKEit's not the same to beat an old guy than 3 former combat soldier's with 3 years of combat on their back's
in the ensuring fistfigth the score was
for the israelis,a couple of bruises
for the scum everione with several broken bones,one with a broken skull in several places,and another one also ,that was caugth by the artyllerimen,who is a psicho,with his bals crushed and turned to pulp
he's not gonna do more nazi kids
good story.

yeah, some of the guys I know (especially guys from misgeret in vienna) are psycho! and i believe that in the IDF it's psycho, too.
ariel81 said:
y didnt say that is posible,only that revenge is what y want
against whom??against everione that kill my people,or helped them do it

But those people are all dead! Better to simply remember the past, and look forward to the future.
Yeah, for example many Slovak War Criminals live happily in Germany and even on Slovakia these days. Because they were after the war used by Communist Secret Services...

Or Anton Malloth, the Theresienstadt Camp guard, is living somewhere in Germany, has a rent, big flat, a car... When there are actions to punish him, at least symbolic, they defend him, saying that he's too old. Nobody cares that Millions of old people died in the Holocaust because of these bastards... That's very sad...

The same the Czech, Slovak and Polish people who kicked out three Millions of Germans out of its borders after the war - many of them were murders, and the most brutal ones were just masking there former collaboration with nazis and than became the most aspirant Communists...

An old guilt is still a guilt.
ariel81 please dont take me wrong when I say this. I feel deep sympathy for all the people not just Jews that were killed and hurt in WW2 but I people that think like you on the Revenge aspect are why this world is never going to get better. As a young German/American I had nothing to do with Holocaust. Neither did my mother nor my Grandfather or Grandmother. Neither did any of my friends and family. Neither did 95% of Germans under the age of 70. Especially Germans born after WW2 they had nothing to do with the Holocaust.

It is like blaming a German child who is 5 years old and condemning him for something that happend even before his parents were born. It simply can not be done.
if you read my post y mean the people who did it or the people who helped,not obvisuly someone like you

my family is also from austria and germany,they fougth and even died fopr those countries,and what they received for that??a free ticket for a kl
in germany in oriental prussia,close to koenigsberg,another close to danzig,and the rest in north of austria

you are not guilty,of cviuyrse,but you have a ceratin amount of responsability,your country and your people did it
but is amazin how muhc civilixed the german are now,comparing with 60 years ago,of curse,they get democratic and civilized by force,by the usa
No I meant in the KLs...

"but is amazin how muhc civilixed the german are now"
no, no. they were allways, even during WWII, that is one of the most phenomenons - they listened to classic music, were gently but then turned into animals...
my both grandparents and my uncle survived Auschwitz... the rest didn't
my 2nd grandpa was a partysan on Slovakian mountains and my 2nd grandma is not jewish, but she was a total worker in the Luftschutz (anti-aircraft inform intellignece)

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