How to Make a Simple Stove

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1st Lieutenant
May 30, 2011
Cape Canaveral
I stumbled on a clever little way to make a cookstove using gasoline. Using preferably a clear container, you pour water into gasoline that has alcohol in it, shake it up a bit and after it settles then drain off the water on the bottom below the separation line, along with a tiny amount of gasoline .

Then your pour the liquid you drained into a steel can, one maybe two or three inches across and maybe 8 inches high. The gasoline will float to the top. You then light the gasoline.

The burning gasoline will heat the can and be gone in less than a minute. The heat from the can will boil off the alcohol that the water separated from the gasoline and cause it to bubble to the top and create a nice little blue flame you can use to cook with, just like sterno. And should anyone knock the can over it will self-extinguish, the safest "campfire" known to man.

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