How to make sigs?

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Airman 1st Class
Apr 9, 2008
On the wrong side of Canada
I was wondering how you make the sigs. I have some pics I would like to use, but I'm not sure how to add effects, and put my name on it. Do you have to use photoshop? If you do, I've reached a dead end because I don't have it.

These were the pics I was trying to decide between.







If anyone else is currently using any of these pics as their siggy, please tell me.

2 quick ones from me....

Marcel, you calling me cheap? :):):):)


  • aura01.jpg
    23.3 KB · Views: 1,625
  • aura02.jpg
    21.3 KB · Views: 200
yep. I've been doing planets and aircraft lately. Don't ask why - I don't know just something different. :)
I use Irfanview for some things like sizing and what-not. But I found that Iview tends to loose pixels like with photos. The GIMP I can use much better and I'm getting the hang of all the little secrets. Its perfect for me. And cost is great. I have found that it really doesn't like multi-tasking so much so I have to make sure all other programs are off. Also VERy large pics - say over 1200x1200 really crashes it. But I don't need anything that large to play with anyhow.

The 3 programs I use are:
1. PAINT that came with the PC - mostly for screen capture.
2. Irfanview - for resizing, change pic type and small stuff.
3. GIMP - for real pic manipulation.

I can do anything. I also use another freeware program that allows me to drop-n-drag pics to create an animated .gif file. Really works great but can't remember the name.

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