Airman 1st Class
I dont really think you need a 20mm cannon to shoot down a Zero, ME109 or even a FW190. Using a 20mm on anyone of them is like using buckshot on a dove
In air-to-air combat the idea is to shoot down an aircraft in as little a time as possible, because the more time a fighter pilot had to concentrate on one target meant there was more time for an opponent to get in some shooting of their own. Most combat during WW2 involved a few seconds of firing time, if that - ideally a diving pass from behind - there simply wasn't the time to line up and squeeze off a precision shot as in deer hunting. If a 20mm cannon could do the job more quickly and efficiently than .50s alone it didn't matter if there was some "overkill". As someone famous once quipped (and I wish I could remember who) "You don't need a sledgehammer to crack a nut, but if you want to destroy the nut use the sledgehammer."
Yep, FM2s and Mustangs could handle the job, but then the P-47 with 8 .50s and P-61s with four .50s and four 20mm cannon shot down aircraft most efficiently, as well as being highly effective at ground attack.