So you again have to pursue an enemy ship, sail to the wind in order to launch aircraft, and set up an optimal firing solution for your main battery. Do you land that initial 26,000 yd hit that cripples Glorious? Who gets planes up first? And when the two destroyers charge the Germans, do they shift fire, or perhaps screw up their take-off sailing to dodge gnats?
Not a lot of secondary guns on them if they're hybrids.
4 - IMO - no 15 cm guns.
So definitely having to split two three-gun turrets (one forward on each S&G) between Glorious and the two destroyers. 3 ships, two turrets, and some funky sailing to get the German airplanes aloft. Stay target with one turret on the real carrier, and with no real German secondary, one destroyer gets a free torpedo run. Put both turrets on the British destroyers, the Glorious glides away.