I live in a good place...

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Like the others I wish you well. I don't know how it works over there but here a lot of people have their first flight as a one off, not as part of a course.
I used to get a kick out of taking people up for their first trip in a Glider. The launch always got them going and if you had a cable break it made the largest roller coater in the world seem tame.
Hi Glider,

well I have a certain chance to make a flight in a double-seated glider, I guess I could handle the plane to some degree of piloting, since I play the EAW sim for many years, I know things about flying... of course glider's a bit different, right. But just for the feeling!

A friend of mine does sailing regulary... but he lives far away from here and I haven't seen him for many years... Probably I'll visit him during the Summer, so - who knows...


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