ID Plane in the Background

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Feb 12, 2021
NorthEast Texas
Unlike many other photos in this forum, I don't know what plane is in the picture.

Would you be willing to help me identify the plane in the background?
I know its my Uncle Bill sitting on the Clarks Clactor in the foreground (thank you to the tractor forum for helping with the tractor he is sitting on).

I've requested Uncle Bill's military records but its a 15 week wait for that.
I'm the 'send to' person whenever anyone in the extended family has photos they no longer want, and I received a box of photos that had this picture in it.

Any help would be appreciated.

A quick review of ventura's from the interweb and it does look remarkably similar.

I have a few follow up questions (as I know exactly nothing about military aircraft other than I saw some planes when I went to the Smithsonian nearly 30 years ago).

1. There is a man standing in front of the prop on the left side of the picture. There is a 'bulb' or something hanging from the underside of the wing. There is also one under the other wing. What is that? I'm guessing a gas tank because it seems like having bombs there I'd expect folks to be more anxious. These guys look laid back.

2. My uncle has a jacket on, the sun is shining brightly, but he is looking cold. Where might he be? Not a fair question I know, but once I get his military papers I might be able to place him properly.

3. Why would he be on a tractor sitting in front of a plane? I'm on a tractor to cultivate land. Its pretty obvious the tractor must be pushing things around or something?

Again, I know the questions a basic but I have much to learn.

The "bulbs" are long range fuel tanks.
Location is very possibly the Aleutians - what can be seen of the aircraft coloiur scheme and the background, and the PSP the aircraft is standing, supports this. It was a cold location, hence the jacket !
Tractors like this were used for towing / moving aircraft, and for delivering the bomb trolleys to the aircraft.
So it looks like this.
There were 8 boys and 3 girls in the family.
I know that 5 of the boys served in WWII and 1 boy served in Vietnam.
I have pictures of the dead and mass graves in what I think is Korea, so its probable that one of the boys served there also.
Not all of the boys served in the military.

This picture of Uncle Bill indicates he was support personnel for planes in the military. Most probably served in the Aleutians.
As far as I know, Uncle Bill was never a pilot and I would think this helps me place him in context until I get more information from the military papers I've requested.

Thank you buffnut --

You are telling me the 'corrogated looking airstrip' is probably PSP. Which would make sense when I look at the sand dunes on the right side of the photo.

I really appreciate everyone helping me.

Thank you all... I'll be back as I find more pictures.

Catch22 ...
thanks for that site link. I swear the picture on that page is the brother of the photo I posted.
I have so much to learn.
You just started! And nowadays you have (almost) everything to get answers fast.
Check other photos of the same unit (VB-139 means Bombing Squadron 139 of the USNavy). One never knows what you will find.
Could be a different unit though but it's the Aleutians for sure.
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