Now let's see what we can do.
Remember that the successes of 1939-1940 had to solidify the choices stated above, good or bad.
For the 1936-1940 period :
- Make Daimler Benz fully comply with your objectives. They're old bourgeois and grand capitalists, yes, but you are nazies. DO NOT engage in cold war with them. Make them cooperate smoothly by flattery, greed or sudden terror (i.e hot war.) Have them co-finance and build that big factory you dream of, anyway make sure that by 1940 everything runs in oil, gains steady momentum in prodution capacity, just as you see their own initiatives with a relaxed benevolent eye.
- Allow existing alternative designs, already well advanced, to carry on their potentful way. Tactically (strategicaly?), and technologicaly they're bound to bear fruits some way. A small scale production cannot hurt either. (note that in those days it was certainly easier to impose some 85% of standardisation over the prodution of war machines, rather than (try) to enforce a full 100% on the various real-world industrial actors, all with their own ways-to-do, in-house formation courses of personnel etc.. This is my theory, it was not numeric economy then. Letting companies build their own alternative products, up to a certain extend (about 15% I'd say), had to be more efficient on the whole than the ideal 100% common production.)
I'm thinking of Focke-Wulf and the Fw-187 certainly.
- Consider news of a possible Jumo-213 using the same block as the 211(s) for all its worth. This has to be very interresting, and could fit existing designs or soon to be, rather fine. It conflicts both jumo 222 and jumo 211 developpment at this stage but already is a good candidate for being the main engine of the Lufwaffe in not a too distant future. Is it a safer bet at this stage than the brand new 222 ? well yes, already. But there are Jumo-211 developments to work on first.
1941-early1942 :
- Put the 'scaled-up' Db-603 back on the front burner. It has potential and you like this engine, just as you like good complacant and smoothly reliable yet inventive Daimler-Benz's managers... Make them stop work on anything else (in the aviation field) than Db601 Db605, and now Db-603 too. Good boys. Start considering applications for the 603 (Do-217 at least.)
- Express your worries and begin open questionning of priorities at Jumo : regarding the state of advancement of the much needed Jumo-213, an engine that will take the place of the 211s on the large Jumo facilities, expected by a good deal of new aircrafts or variants. And regarding the troubles of the 222, suddenly made worse as the Bomber B needs to be heavier than first planned. This should raise professionnal concerns, cold blooded and considering options.
- For the Me-210 as for the Bomber B, it is too soon yet for a dramatic reversal of decisions, but an open questionning at this stage will have positive consequences not too far ahead. At the minimum for both programs, pre-industrialisation on a large scale had now to be acknowledged perilous or premature, and reconversion of a good part of it (half) a most serious work shedule.
- Put the four separated engines He-177B on prototype stage, 2nd choice and non diving as it may be, as soon as the dary architecture of He-177A is confirmed troublesome. After all this new war with 'inferior Ussr' could be a good application for that '2nd rated' but reliable variant of the heavy bomber.
- Keep the historical dedication to the Fw-190 and its BMW engine. Surely the engine will be much needed for many aircrafts considering the lateness of the new Jumos.
Spring-summer 1942 :
This is here, to me, that the 'ideal' Lufwaffe should start diverging.
- Bomber B, Jumo 222. Patatras ! Engine still not ready, the remaining pre-set industrialisation of aircraft cells now certain to be set too soon in place. Harsh decisions required now.
Do away with the Jumo-222, that is put it on the back burner (and develop with little means whatever version that promises to reach operational status someday.)
Give the Ju-288C a chance, the one equipped with the coupled Db-606 (610), providing their installation is not too much buried in the wing as the He-177A experience is now telling. One should not forget that the Ju-288 was very modern and potent, and unlike much written on it quite well adapted for LW's future historical needs. (good survivability in hostile skies, well adapted for small to medium strikes with escort, in a 'raider' spirit.)
- Put the He-177B into production immediately, with whatever engines available at first. Keep its employ against Russia, as the war there seems to 'last a bit'. First versions probably underpowered, but Russia under equipped against it. He-177B is a stop-gap both for the He-177A (until troubbles are out) and the Bomber-B, whether the late coming Ju-288C gives satisfaction, simply arrives, or not. Germany cannot affort large scale strategic bombing anymore, so limited production but without delays. A good tool.
In the East like in the West dive bombing is clearly out of fashion, thanks to thick anti-aircraft defenses, now to be met about everywhere. So drop diving requirements on any large plane now. Udet is long dead too.
-Put Daimler's Db-603 in full operationnal status and production, now.
The Do-217 version with enlarged wings will welcome it fine.
Also the He-219. Like many I reckon the soundness of Milch's decision to favor the Ju-88G over the He-219 for a standard night fighter, but considering that Jumo-213 in any scenario had to come noticably later than the Db-603, that Ju-88 equipped with BMW where rather inferior, and that the Bomber Offensive was by now certain to last and gain momentum : just give clear orders to Heinkel to set up 50ac/month production without, that's important, without hesitations.
Besides, when Jumo-222 will become available on a moderate scall one must remember how good a He-219 equipped with such engines had to be : if rather a luxury but this time a superior bomber-destroyer than even a true Ju-88G, by night if not by day, and a good Mosquito pursuer night and day of historical consequences, even in small number (jumos 222, no radar aerial by day.) The He-219 option for limited serial production is good because, with Db-603s it is better than BMW Ju-88s for 1943, stil very good in the 1944 brands and the only forseeable recipent for later coming Jumo-222 (let the Do-217 have its Db-603s instead) and therefore superior to Ju-88G then... Filling quality demands for later 1944-45 needs (night and day pursuit or destroyer, reconnaissance too). If always in small number and expensive...
- Put Fw-190C into final developpement and aim production for somewhere in 1943. This does obvious betterments in the west and barely needs comments. Of course plannify a Jumo-213 equipped Dora version too, then later complete redesigns for both in the Ta-152 C and H breeds. Fw-190C could be put in moderate production at first considering availabilities. History will then increase demand.
- Set-up a competition for a replacement single fighter using Db's 603. This should return Me-309, Fw-190C (hurried) then Ta-152C (big promises from Kurt Tank), and probably some adapted He-100. Order the hurried Fw-190C whoever wins he competition ! (bound to be delayed by 'not ready' problems, Messerschmitt prbbly wishing to substitute the Me-209 in place of the Me-309, Focke-Wulf the 'redesigned' Ta-152...) Fw-190Cs then Ds have to be put in production without delay as soon as engines are available. Small quantities at first eventually, but they must hit the Staffeln soon to put problems into the Westerners' offensive, make them loose comfort and derail their plans.
- It is hard to believe but reallity must now be faced in all its horror : Messerschmidt has just produced an incurable horrible brat in place of the expected crown prince. Nothing will save it except major surgery. It is a this stage that the Focke-Wulf 187 should make its historical entry. Yes, as an industrial stop-gap for the Me-210 katastophe... With good Db-601s - we supposed the type on continued development - and soon with Db-605s. It is not too late to order sizable quantities in the face of the Me-210 disaster. It will take time to implement mass production (moderate) but this is a decision that could have been taken quite easely then, 'soundly'. Even ignoring how positively history would actualy respond to such an introuction later on (American heavy bombers coming en masse by day, eastern front really lasting this time.. needing more in depth 'work' for which the Fw-187 was perfect, alone or as an escort.) What to do with the reworked Me-210, i.e. Me-410 coming late,r depends on availabilities. But it is a good aircraft, if not revolutionnary anymore.
-Big bat time for the Jumo company ! Must have them sort out and put in production the - all of a sudden - 'so obviously prioritary' Jumo-213... Expected to fit about everything in the standard Luftwaffe from Fw-190D to Ju-88G and 188. I'm quite positive that by following the reasonnable points I've made above, the Jumo-213 could reach operations 6 to 9 months earlier than it did, perhaps a year ?
Make sure they make something out of the Jumo-222 castle, with limited means this time but within forseable future. Let them choose technical requirements themselves. Have something that works, above 2000 hp.
-Put Me-110 back on production as historicaly, for Nachjagt rank and file urgencies until some Me-410 or Me-262 replaces it, in the same role.
-You can now concentrate on jets and rockets, see what it gives.