identification with Bf 109 rudder marking ???

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Rudder markings could be seen on one or both sides depending on the pilots status or even what took their fancy, I guess the left side only would most likely refer to the fact that most aircraft were accessed on the left or port side and this probably led to the predominance of left/port side application.
There was no standard most were simply done by faint lines drawn to get them straight or in other cases a template was used, some applied were rather elaborate due to someone having an artistic background and it became their job, examples of this being a series of decorated rudders of JG77 experten Gollob and Bar 100 in Wreaths Geisshardt 80 in wreath and Freytag 40 in Wreath, clearly all done by the same hand!

For a would depend on the surface that you are going to use and the best paint for adhesion to that medium for best result and life expectancy. If it were to be a business venture then templates for different shapes and sizes and decorations to get some consistency for each and to cover repeat orders might be a starting point...

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