Identify this Aircraft

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I can imagine the cave.There are drawings of people hunting on wild aircraft on all walls of the cave.In the middle of it there is a burning fire in the fuel tank.It is very quiet there, the small radio-set gives a sound from a speaker only - tatati-titita-tatati.....
Ah! But which model of the B-52? Perhaps that would be a better question . . .

I'm about 90% sure it's a "G", not an "H"; it's definitely not a "D" because it's got the short vertical stabilizer, but it does have the older J-57 engines (the "H" model has more efficient and powerful TF-33 low bypass-ratio turbofans). I also notice it carries second-generation AGM-86 cruise missles; that, and the old "lizard" camoflage scheme place the picture at around 1990.
Well he just hasnt figured it out yet kinda makes you wonder if its a spam bot, has he or she any other posts with differant pics?

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