If you were a pilot in ww2 which plane would you want to fly

What plane woul you want to use going into combat

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I'll just sidle over to the SPs and mention that a suspicious character in an enlisted man's uniform is talking in some strange foreign sounding code to a flying officer.
You never saw the movie, "The Last Detail" did you? It's an interesting evening's diversion. Think standard signal flags or hand semaphore signals:
Yes, you were just using anachronistic code.
Shoulda been: Baker Yoke Easy. That's how I knew you were a spy.
Get 'im boys! He looks dangerous!
You're right. I used the current rather than the historic code because I thought it more recognizable to modern readers and make a direct reference to the episode in the movie. I wasn't expecting a backlash of the rivet counters. How silly of me in this "theater of operations".
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You sneaked an enlisted medic into the 0 Club, and a "snake eater" to boot? Hnmm....let me consult my UCMJ. There must be a chargeable offense in here somewhere. I don't think the Skipper will be pleased. I'll call the JAG.

Not when the CO is involved, and he has dirt on the admiral.

You really want to swim with fish...
I'm glad he is at the club, and with one if the ladies then...
And what will they say when they discover that the suave, charming "doctor" in civvies is actually an enlisted "snake eater"? Those OSS types and their military accessories aren't generally welcome in polite society.
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And what will they say when they discover that the suave, charming "doctor" in civvies is actually an enlisted "snake eater"? Those OSS types and their military accessories aren't generally welcome in polite society.

That guy is getting taken on boat ride this very moment. He was given every oportunity to partake in the good life. Nobody likes a party pooping snitch.

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