IL-2 Complete Edition...

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Ive just recieved my IL-2 Complete Edition DVD from

I cant seem to find any information on whether or not it has been patched up to current or not... Any help Space??? NS????

It seems very convientient as a reisntall, but the DVD is not a play disc, I still need to use my Pac Fighters game disc to play the game..
This will sound like a stupid question Glider, but are you sure you've loaded the right patches (merged game or stand-alone) and were they loaded in the correct order? Weird things usually happen when the patches are loaded in the wrong sequence. Cockpits don't appear, things like that.
Nope its not a stupid question. I have deinstalled and reinstalled a number of times and in the end gave up.
The game seems to run smoother installed all at one time with the DVD as well. And yes, it is patched to v4.04m.

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