IL2 Forgotten Battles Screenshots...

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Hi Guys,I was thinking of recreating a blue eagle skin for download.Do you they would mind.If so Plz tell me and i wont.Do you think this is a good idea.
i have put this on other forums to try and get a majority vote,if any members of the team hav a problem plz leave a post
ok,no's just that a lot of people have requested that skin andi like to make glad that i posted this befor making it as i wouldnt want to anoy anybody.
There some new shots.The Bf 110 being attacked by me and my P-11c after that.The rear gunner had a good day.


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My comp is having graphics problems, big ones.... IL2 locks up/shuts down the comp/error messages after appox 5 minutes of playing.... Im sure its the drivers I have for my card, but I cant fix it......

And get this, my Diablo 2 Expansion CD Rom EXPLODED in my player this afternoon, into hundreds of small chips...

I have never seen anything like this since MythBusters....

Im gonna investigate it tomorrow, but Im still kinda blown away by whats left of the disc....

Time for a new computer, Les...
Can I guys?

My comp is having graphics problems, big ones.... IL2 locks up/shuts down the comp/error messages after appox 5 minutes of playing.... Im sure its the drivers I have for my card, but I cant fix it..........

Why won't you try the univesal free drivers?

Now Les, the player is a scrap only I'm afraid.There are some of my friends who have had the same problem with "blowing up" CD Roms.Although they have cleaned their devices up these didn't work properly.I hope it hasn't happened to you.

BTW Nice shots Hot Space.

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