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I wouldn't say he's stirring anyone up, but look at the mountain of good (and factual) information he's being buried with!I do believe Greg nailed it - Neocon or his other brother has returned to grace this forum with a wagonload of bovine fecal matter.
Letting him stir you up is a sad thing.
Neither! My gun club has a 500 M / 600 Yard Range which I use regularly. ( Almost every week!) I used to be a Sniper for the ASA-SOD and I practiced at long range every week that I was not on a mission. I qualified with the M-2 and M-82, and fired thousands of rounds out of them over a 20 year period. Did you know that the standard soft lead cored 710 grain .50 Cal bullet will perforate a rigidly mounted 3/8" AR500 armor steel plate at 600 yards? I have done it more than a few times. Heck, my .300 RUM with a 180 grain Ballistic Tip will do it at 500! Either steel cored AP round from the M-2 will perforate steel armor plates the thickness of which you would not believe at ranges you will swear it could not be done. ( Like 3/4" AR 500 at 300 Meters!)
Provide your reference for this (holding nose from stench of bovine fecal matter)While much is made of the "Aileron Reversal" problem, very few people understand that it is not something that suddenly happens, but gradually intrudes into the performance as the speed increases. So while the Spit is very easy to fly at 100-165 MPH, by the time you get to 200 the twisting wing starts to reduce the rate of roll enough that it starts to become a problem. By 250 MPH it has reduced the rate of roll enough to make high speed dog fights very dangerous with the Me-109, IF the Messer's pilot knew his business. And that was a very big IF in the prior sentence. Even after all of the various "Strengthening" projects, it took an entirely new wing WO the fancy elliptical planform to make the Spit competitive with 4-5 year old planes! One of the "Critical" design objectives stated in the contract was to to make the Spit's rate of roll a world beater, instead of last place!
And all of that irrelevent unless you were doing it at 20,000 ft, 250 kts and yanking and banking.
Comparing shooting stationary targets at a range to shooting at a flying aircraft hell bent on getting away from you...
How about if I fly along in a helicopter at 5000' and hose sharks basking in the Gulf of Tonkin with an M-60?
Wasn't the Me 209 an attempt to improve the Bf 109?
It had the basic fuselage of the 109 to which it added longer span wings with inward retracting wide track landing gear, an improved canopy, more power, with a DB 603 or Jumo 213, an annular radiator n place of the underwing radiators and a larger tail.
Its performance was disappointing compared to the similarly powered Fw 190D, but certainly some of these features could have been adopted for the Bf 109 (the Erla canopy being one that had already been adopted?).
Some more info about canopy improvements
Strange Experimental Erla Haube-canopy on a Bf 109 (K?)
I call BS!
The effective range of the M-60 is 1200 yards. 5000ft is 1600 + yards. Then you have to take into account the effect of the rotorwash and the wind caused by the moving aircraft. All of this with a suppression weapon.
Before you go any further, I was a US Army helo Crew Chief/Door Gunner and used the M-60.
Take your "No shit there I was..." story somewhere else.
Now get on topic. This thread is about the Bf 109. Got it?
How much drag will it produce?Could something like the Avia S199's canopy have been a useful improvement for the 109?