Senior Master Sergeant
No possibility of diving more than ~500mph TAS. 800/900 kph reading is result of faulty pitot tube readings in .6-65M compressibility range
Many airspeed indicators became wildly inaccurate at speeds above their normal range (normal dive speed range) and reports of extreme speeds touched on in combat situations should be looked at in that light. Pilot is not lying, he is relating what the airspeed indicator read. But the airspeed indicator could be off by tens of mph/kph if not a hundred in some cases.
Yeap. thats why i am not assuring that the me-109 could reach that figure without falling apart, there were 2 or 3 stories of diving at extreme velocity that I could remeber,oner was a finnsh ace to scape of a very agressive la-5 ,other a couple of german pilots.
I think Clostermann also had a recolection of diving at more of 800 kph with his Tempest, probably more plausible that flying a me-109 at that speed.