Isn't the... Human factor a bit overlooked in this discussion? One thing is to cover 1000 km on an aircaft with a cruise speed of 900 km/h, another is to cover the same distance at 350-400 km/h, especially if, after having travelled said distance, a pilot is required to mantain full alert because it happens to be in a hostile environment.
At the typical speeds of ww2 aircrafts, most long range bombers and escort fighters would have benfited more having an extra pair of non-tired eyes onboard rather than larger quantities of fuel!
You bring up good points. As for the fighters, you're not going to get away from the single pilot cockpit. As far a multi engine aircraft, yes. Not so much during the cruise portion of the flight, but during landings, especially during adverse weather conditions. I've always had issue with the Lancaster for single pilot operations.
As far as extra fuel - it's always welcomed. The only time you don't want extra fuel is when you're on fire.....