Does anyone have an exact number on how many Allied pilots wore the G-suit ?
The 355th received full supply in October 1944 to start of November and used them on all missions forward. The 4th tried the water filled version on a limited basis in April 1944, liked the benefit but didn't like the water aspect. They got theirs along with 56th, 361st and 479th at the same time the 355th got theirs. I think the 65th FW was first (all the above) but all 8th FC had them in November.
So, multiply approximately 100 fighter pilots by 15 Fighter groups to get 8th AF FC suit wearers at any one time, although only 70% flying on a given day in late 1944. I don't know when the 9th, 12th and 15th Fighter Groups got them - or RAF and RCAF... Real short on PTO knowledge here.
My father and three others 'pioneered' them in mid October for 355th. He spoke very highly of them in contrast to pre G suit and felt he was good for 6+ as contrast to 4-5(max) w/o G suit.