Can I ask where you get the information that the Laminar airfoils in a P51 would means sharp and unpredictable stalls in high G turns.
I can tell you from personal experience that a LOW speed stall in a turn for a 51 will get your attention.
The Pilots notes disagree pointing out that its stall is mild and there is little tendancy to drop into a spin.
Glider - The classic stall in level or climbing flight is gentle and predictible.
The danger (to both a Fw 190 and a 51 in a high speed turning/manuever stall) is that you can end up in a flat spin if you aren't on your toes. I think the Fw 190 had the reputation of recovering from a spin better and faster than a 51.
You do not want to be tinkering with spins in 51s if avoidable