Italian-French War of 1933

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Admiral Beez

Oct 21, 2019
Toronto, Canada
Per Wikipedia...

"In late 1932–early 1933, Mussolini planned to launch a surprise attack against both France and Yugoslavia that was to begin in August 1933.] Mussolini's planned war of 1933 was only stopped when he learned that the French Deuxième Bureau had broken the Italian military codes, and that the French, being forewarned of all the Italian plans, were well prepared for the Italian attack."

How will the French, Italian and Yugoslavian air forces perform in this conflict? If France is victorious she may pursue rearmament that may put the country in better shape for Hitler's ambitions.
Reading Mussolini and his Generals by John Gooch - Cambridge, 2007.

The Italians (Mussolini excluded) were very fearful of a war with France. Lots of numbers in the book but I liked this.
Mussolini is fearful of Yugoslavia attacking (1933) and he asks Gazzera if they will strike - he answers "no."

I doubt the Yugoslavian air force shows up for the semi-finals. France has an abundance of old bombers. Italy as well is beladen in 1933 with aircraft not worth two nickels rubbed together. Looks like a lot of poking around in the dark, to me. The tech wasn't enough to make bombers matter at that time.
Hopefully France will see this as an opportunity to replace a lot of the older junk. By 1933 they've got some good potential in the pipe, including the Dewoitine D.500.

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