IWM Duxford Airshow 2013

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'Spitfire Scramble' - Part Two.

A few more shots of the six Spitfires, with the first formation circuit, a couple of singleton passes, and some landing sequences.
Most of the display, after the take off, was a series of 'tail-chases' which, although I managed to get a couple of shots, aren't very exciting as, by their nature, the aircraft are spread out, and appear rather small when the full frame is reduced for the forum.
We would have been better off positioned right at the western edge of the field, on the 'tank bank' by the Land Warfare hall, as any approach from the west would show the aircraft grouped together, and from the opposite direction, they would be closer to the camera as they pulled up to turn. But then we wouldn't have got the start-up and taxi, or the form-up and take off, or landings, so it's swings and roundabouts I suppose!
Thanks again for the compliments and general interest, and I'll post some more selections tomorrow.


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Thanks Geo.
Here's a few variations, in monochrome. I 'played around' with a couple of the shots, getting rid of modern-day structures and people, and adding a bit of 'grain'.
Back to the 'proper' stuff tomorrow.


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Here's the Bearcat and Wil.... er, Martlet.
The Bearcat has been on the UK air show circuit since the 1980's, and was usually flown by Stephen Grey, but he retired from air show flying after this year's 'Flying Legends', which takes place annually at Duxford each July.
This is a compilation of shots, taken during the course of the day and shows the rapidly changing weather conditions. Sod's law, it became rather dull, with patches of high lights here and there, as these two displayed. I didn't take any of the Martlet airborne, as it's display was too far away, even for the 300mm lens, and it looked tiny in the viewfinder, especially as much of the display seemed to be fairly high level stuff.
It did sound like an accident in a lawn mower factory though!
Those few airborne shots I managed to catch of the rapid Bearcat, I messed up, as the cold and wet had got to me by then, causing spasms in my right arm at critical moments, resulting in what could have been some good shots being un-sharp, or totally out of focus!
I'll post the selection of the Norwegian Vampires later.


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Thanks very much, Wojtek and Hugh.

The Royal Norwegian Air Force Historic Flight brought over three aircraft, the Vampire FB6 and T55 (equivalent to FB5 and T11), plus the Canadair CT-133.
Following the second extremely heavy rain storm of the day, the CT-133 was unable to perform, as it needs a long take-off run, and there was too much standing water on the hard runway.
The Vampire T55 almost didn't make it either, as it had a technical problem, evidenced by the pair of Norwegian Size 10 boots protruding from the cockpit for most of the morning and early afternoon, on the other end of which was an equally large Norwegian bod trying to repair things!
Steve Kinsey came to the rescue, supplying a compatible part from a Spitfire (!), which got the show on the road or, more correctly, into the sky.Excellent cooperation, and dedicated work by all concerned. (Imagine trying that with, say, a Phantom and a Eurofighter!!).
The pair of vintage jets whispered their way out to the runway, leaving an aroma of burnt kerosene, and took off trailing a plume of spray and steam, to provide what can only be described as an elegantly graceful display routine, bringing back memories of the RAF's 'Vintage Pair' of Meteor and Vampire in the 1980's, sadly lost in a mid-air collision and, for me, memories of childhood air shows, with Vampires being regular performers.


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Yeah, after that storm passed through, it was nice to get warm again !
Here's the Tucano doing its thing. The aircraft is from 72(R) Squadron, once a fighter squadron, then equipped with Wessex helicopters, and now a training unit. The display aircraft is currently painted in WW2 'desert' colours, as a memorial to this squadron's service in the Western Desert of North Africa, and the 'code letters' are pure publicity! (72 Squadron's wartime codes were 'RN'.)
I'll post a selection of ground shots next, as I have to sort through the stack of pictures of the 'Scampton Darts Team', better known as 'The Red Arrows, which is going to be a long job!
Thanks for your continued interest and kind comments.


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A few more ground shots to be going on with, whilst I finish sorting the 'Red Arrows' pics. I think I went overboard - taken far too many!


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Thanks Grant. Not sure if that's still his - I'd heard he packed in display work. Last time I spoke to him was back in the '90's, when he had his 'done up' like a 'Zero'.
'The Red Arrows' - Part One.

The 'Red Arrows' are the official aerobatic display team of the RAF, and were formed in 1964, with the pilots originally being instructors from the Central Flying School.
Previous to this, aerobatic display teams were drawn from individual squadrons, with the famous 'Black Arrows' and 'Blue Diamonds' of the early 1960's, from 111 and 92 Squadrons respectively, both flying Hunters, and the Lightnings of 56 Sqn being examples.
Rather than tie-up front line squadrons with all that's involved in practicising for, and performing displays, it was decided to form an official team, the sole purpose of which would be to display at home and abroad, whilst at the same time being an 'ambassador' for the UK, and a recruiting aid for the RAF itself.
During the 1963 display season, the CFS put together a team, flying yellow-painted Gnats, and known as the 'Yellow Jacks', and, the following year, this team became the official RAF Display Team, with the diminutive Gnats now being painted red overall, and the new name of 'The Red Arrows' being launched to the public.
The team changed to the larger, more powerful, and faster BAe Hawk in 1980, and still fly the same aircraft!
Known world wide for their precision displays, virtually in all weather conditions, the 'Red Arrows' never fail to draw a crowd and, regardless of how many times one sees them, they still hold the attention.


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'The Red Arrows' - Part Two.

Another selection form the display by the 'Reds', who closed the show. However, there were still a few aircraft movements after this final display, and I also took the opportunity to get some detail shots, plus a couple of 'arty farty' things, some of which will be shown next.


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Thanks Terry, I remember seeing Numan's aeroplane at DX years ago when it was dressed in a navy frock. Looked very smart. I remember reading an interview he had with some journo for a music magazine, he plonked the journo in the back of the Harvard and took her up for some aeros during the interview! Needless to say, few of her questions were answered!

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