Jane's WW2 Fighters

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My computer doesn't like it anymore, but this was my first combat flight simulator. I had a lot of fun with it, and I enjoyed all the info it had on the planes.
Me; I play it every once in a while. It's more user-friendly than CFS 3, but a little more limited as far as which a/c you can fly. I almost always fly Luftwaffe, which is why I prefer CFS3; you can fly the Zerstorer Do 335, and even a Go 229.
Wow, it's been a few years since I've played Jane's. Gotta say though, I had fun playing it. The only thing I didn't like was the gunsight's on the 109. I know that the gunsight used in the game was hisorically accurate, but I still couldn't use it effecitvely. I usually blew through all my ammo just to get one plane.
I haven't flown Janes in I don't know how long. It was one of the first sims that I tried and loved it.

BTW, I like the Christmas sig you got going on there bud.
I bet your machine could run Jane's with little trouble, NJ...

I used to run Jane's on a Pentium Pro 200 MHz system with 32Mb RAM and a Matrox Millineum 16Mb Video card...

I still run it nowdays on either my XP system or my Legacy Win98 gamer with no trouble at all.

There's new mods, terrains, maps and aircraft for it nowdays, too!


  • Fw190_rollkill.jpg
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Heheh... yeah... Jane's... got my a** waxed a few times in there... amped up on coffee and 'feelin cocky' I decided (for fun) to take a few pot-shots at my lead as we were goin in for landing.... uhh..... I respawned how many times before GrauGeist decided that I'd "Learned my lesson" for the day?
Good God man, I had forgotten about that!

LMAO...that was funny, really.

It did give you a great opportunity to see what a Fw190 can do, though

What I should have done for this thread though, is ask what everyone's favorite mission was...because I'd have to say for me it was Grand Alliance!
Hi Hellcat,

You can add any MODs you like, though I'd recommend reading the MOD FAQ for tips on installing the various packs (sound, terrains, vehicles, etc)...

The FAQ is found by going to WWII Fighters, and on the menu (on the left), select Tools/Utilities/Info. From the next menu, select FAQ and you'll end up on a page with FAQ sections, which you'll want to click the Mods link.

The MODs FAQ covers just about any aspect of installing (and backing up) and offers help in the event that something isn't working properly (which can happen sometimes)
Wish I saw that before I struggled to get in the Spitfire Mk XIV, but I figured that out. I didn't know this was out there and it's really brought life back to this game. Thanks.
Hey, the mod of the P-51 looks pretty good! About as nice as Il Sturmovik.

I'm impressed.

I admit, I played a demo of Jane's fighters and found flying the plane confusing. I'm more used to Il Sturmovik I guess.

But it still looks like a cool game.
Yeah, I felt the same after reinstalling it. It's more arcade like, I think. Kinda like Ace Combat, ya know? But I am impressed at how nice some of these mod are.

Is there still an online community for this game, and if so, where can I find it?

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