Japan and Japanese

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Masako as an interpreter in 1991. As she wished to become a diplomat in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs like his father, marriage was not in her choice yet but a "pure" prince was unable to understand it. The Imperial Household Agency was obliged to put pressure on her father who was then a high class civil servant to let Masako accept prince's offer "spontaneously". I remember Japanese people's public opinion at the time was "Give up, Prince! Let Masako free!"

Source: 天皇陛下60歳に ハーバード大卒業式、外務省時代に通訳を……雅子さまのキャリアに光を当てた特別展――2020上半期BEST5 | 文春オンライン
I found this video from "Recommended" list ... Interesting, and left me with tons of Questions ...

I start with most important one, the money ... What can you do with 3000 Yen? Is it enough for a single day?

That's the price for single ride with those carts, if I understood correctly from video.

The second, how much do the Traditional Japanese clothes cost? (several can be seen in the video.)

Third one, What are most famous souvenirs from Japan?

And fourth one, If I understood correctly from look of buildings and area, was it a part from "Old Town" or something like that?
The 3000 Yen (roughly 30 dollars) is not enough for a single day.
She says 3000 Yen for a person and takes about 8 on average a day.

Price of the traditional Japanese clothes aka Kimono varies depending on material, purpose, design and brand from tens of thousand to millions Yen. I think people in the video enjoy rental ones for about 5000 Yen (roughly 50 dollars) for a day.

Most famous souvenir she recommends in the video is Kaminari Okoshi (Japanese traditional cookies)

The vid location Asakusa belongs to an old block of Tokyo as downtown.

Kaminari Okoshi
It's not necessarily rare to see taller guys and gals around 6 feet in Japan than before recently.

Source: ジャパニカゴロス・2008年8月5日 - Dark blueの絵日記

Kei Komuro (former-princess Mako's husband) seems to have failed to receive the benefit but, for his hope in my calculation, if his height was 10 to 15% taller, he would look a quite different guy like this 'After' pic. Appearance seems to depend on such a small height ratio.


Source: NHK

After (a photo-shopped image)

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