Japan and Japanese (3 Viewers)

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Biden, just like any other politician, thinks about money, without seeing possible / existing dangers.

All politicians ignore any advice that does not suit their, or their party's, agenda - no exceptions.

It does not matter how many people tell to remember the law of unintended consequences - and give examples of what will happen - their egos do not allow them to make a rational decision.

I could give hundreds of examples here in Aus but that would be political.

It remembered me of this famous verse from Persian poet Sa'di:

با سیه دل چه سود گفتن وعظ

نرود میخ آهنین در سنگ​

Literally, it would be translated like:

What's outcome of a speech with a darken hearted person? An iron nail won't go through a stone.

Here is full story, in Persian if someone is interested:

PM Kishida minds if his salary may be 6,000yen($40) low a month.
Japan is a good country.

"Did you achieve any good results?" Prime Minister Kishida is heavily criticized over the bill to raise wages for ministers submitted in the Diet on October 20.
"Govt Indicates Concerns over Fake Video of PM Kishida
Such a video 'could damage the foundation of democracy,' Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno told a news conference."

This society is already filled with "fake informations" even by the authorities to mislead the democracy.
It's Mr. Kishida's fault due to his gloomy looking IMO.


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