Japan and Japanese

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PM Kishida will visit the U.S. soon.
Generative AI could not have been a main theme scheduled but has abruptly appeared in the news.
If he wants to deny the earlier drone suspect on the JMSDF Izumo, only thorough research will prove it IMO.

"Japan and the U.S. cooperate on countering disinformation related to generated AI and plan to include it in the outcome document of the summit meeting on April 10.

The Japanese and the U.S. governments will strengthen cooperation in countering disinformation surrounding generative AI. The outcome document to be announced after the Japan-U.S. summit meeting on the 10th will clearly state "cooperation toward reducing the risks of AI products," and will advocate the use of technologies such as content authentication....."

That's not good...! How soon till the next election??
Estimated in June and the opposition parties may take power against his will.
His skills as a leader is clumsy like this recent news. Too honest.

Use of 'Greater East Asia War' on Japan GSDF regiment's social media account causes stir

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