Japan and Japanese

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Modern samurai art by Tetsuya Noguchi(43)

He appears to be Ashigaru rather than Samurai?
You know a lot of things, Dave

Bushi = military man
Samurai = officer
Ashigaru = soldier

Yes, the figure shows a good ashigaru atmosphere with simple armor but, sadly, the helmet is so unique as samurai's.
This is a typical ashigaru equipment given by the load

Japanese clock system, Wadokei(和時計), from the middle ages.
6 o'clock for the sunrise and other 6 o'clock for the sunset are set unchanged through a year.
So, an hour for the daytime in the summer is 1.4 times longer than that in the winter but was practical for the people as they worked shorter in the winter instead.

Wadokei system

Wadokei wrist watch by a modern watchmaker. The dial shows the summer time.

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