Japanese Naval aircraft

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Yes, nice picture. Aeroplane is the first Gloster Sparrowhawk III, JN442; one of 50 Sparrowhawks supplied to the Japanese Navy as part of Col. The Master of Sempill's British Mission of 1921. These aeroplaes were nominally based at Kasumigaura, north of Tokyo. Note the hydrovanes attached to the undercarriage to aid in ditching. If launched far from land, pilots were expected to ditch the aeroplane near friendly vessels to be recovered, hopefully not too waterlogged for re-use, unless they were damaged in the ensuing ditching.
Yes, almost certainly. Another Japanese naval machine, the Mitsubishi 1MT1, designed by Herbert Smith, former Sopwith Draughtsman. Japan's first indigenous torpedo dropper. Avro 504 behind and Sopwith Cuckoo alongside, both supplied as part of the British Mission.

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