Japanese Zero Name Plate?

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Feb 14, 2022
My great grandfather was a captain in the Pacific on the U.S.S. Starlight and then the U.S.S. Repose. He sent a number of things back to his son, my grandfather, that were then passed down to me including this Japanese zero name plate, attached note says it was off a kamikaze plane, and a Japanese flag. I was wondering if anyone could give me anymore information or translate. Have been trying to get more info on both for years but haven't been able to and was hoping someone would be willing/able to help me out!


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They can be read like this

1. 祈武運長久 Inoru Buunchokyu (We pray for your good long fortune in the battlefield)

2. 今野徳藏 君 Konno,Tokuzo kun (For Mr. Konno, Tokuzo)

3. 祝 今野英太郎(?) Syuku Konno, Eitaro (Congratulation by Konno, Eitaro)

4. 堀井長次郎 Horii, Chojiro

5. 堀井ツエ (Ms) Horii, Tsue

6. 今野ナヨ (Ms) Konno, Nayo

7. 田口ハルエ (Ms) Taguchi, Harue

8. 堀井クラ (Ms) Horii, Kura

9. 今野キク (Ms) Konno, Kiku

10. 今野卯吉 Konno, Ukichi

11. 今野登 Konno, Noboru

12. 三浦三郎 Miura, Saburo

13. 小林了吉(?) Kobayashi, Ryokichi

14. 今野市郎 Konno, Ichiro

15. 相川善吉 Aikawa, Zenkichi

16. 部品番號 Buhinbango (Parts number)
檢印 Ken-in (Inspection seal)

Thank you so much for the information and the quick response. I have always wondered if this flag is something that should be returned to the family of the soldier who owned it. Is that something that anyone would recommend doing? I wasn't sure if that could be seen as offensive but know many soldiers believed these were "battle flags" that contained perceived battles Japanese soldiers were involved in because of the language barrier.
I don't think you have to mind ownership as the flag relates to your family too.
If you should mind it, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare offers help to search Japanese families.
You only have to send a picture. For more details -

For those of you who have memorabilia of Japanese war dead,
such as Nisshoki with messages or Senninbari(Nisshoki = Japanese flag)

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