Junkers 88A-1 A-5 versus other variants

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i have posted some pics on my profile here but if you want more from the 88 restoration or the aircrafts at the museum let me know.
I will post more soon from WW2 in Norway also

Thanks again, GF. It looks like Gardermoen will need to be added to my list of places that I MUST visit! I just hope I will be able to do so within the next year or two!
here is a picture that shows the longer wings on the A5. several A1`s was also modified to A5 when the A4 wings became aviable ( the quality of these pics are not the best as i need to scan them..just took a picture of the pictures in my photoalbum ) this particulary aircraft was modified at the Junkers factory from A1 to A5 during june 1941
if you look at the cockpitpicture you will notice two small switches above the instrumentpanel just under the hole for the Mg 15 ( with red covers )
these are not present in the A1 but are the two switches found integreted in the main panel in the right lower corner on the Ju 88 A4. I found most of the A4 systems integreted in strange ways in the A5 cockpit.. and it all makes sense as the A5 is actually a A4 in the making but with A1 fuselage and cockpit, also a big different is that in the A1 the bombadiers chair next to the pilotchair is NOT foldable and a real pain in the a.. to get past ( need to climb over ) and it could only fold the seatback. the seat itself was bolted in the right wall and the structure next to the pilotseat. later in the A5 the seat was completely folable and could be folded two ways so it was out of the way and stored up against the wall in the cockpit


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here is the instrumentpanel in the A1 ( note differences from A5 ). also note that this early type had the all black artificial horizon driven on compressed air..not the later eletrical type with blue horizon and black ground. this is pretty much how the cockpit looks today in the restorationprogress. the colour on the floor is 100% match with the original. on later versions like the A5 the wodden floor was painted in the same blackgrey as the rest of the cockpit.


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just a little note..the Lotfe 7c bombsight is not the correct for this early A1..i just put one in to get the mountingbrackets correct..the BZG 2 is under restoration and will be put in later. we have decided to trey and not paint to much so all original writing is keept..the sideconsol is 100% original..just carefully cleaned, also the paint on the walls and the instrumnetpanel is original. just a few small new panels ( that was made of magnesium and are long gone ) has been remade and painted. these has been stamped "new made " stamp on the back just for the records for the future. the same with the wodden floor as it was to detoriated after 64 years in water to be restored !! but keept in storage due to pattern and colour ( and historic value )
thanks for the kind words. let me know what you need and are looking for and i will do my best !! pictures or information..
The Ju 88 in sinsheim was also recovered in norway but the whole frontsection is sadely missinga and made of wood..i really whish that could be replaced with a original one. It was just a pleasure to help revell and it will be a pleasure to also see our Ju88 A1 in modelform.
Its also a great learningprocess to have dismanteled two complete Ju 88`s ( A1 and A5 ) and see how progress was made in details and systems

Very cool, I was not aware that the front was made of wood. I did think that very front with the glass nose did look sort of funny.
Fantastic (and very useful) pics GF. They'll certainly help modellers of the JU88. The amount of detail covered in the restoration is phenomenal and a really excellent job.
I certainly will let you know if I come to Norway; I have friends near Oslo who keep inviting me over, so. you never know!
here is the differnece between A1 and A5 wingtips ( the A5 uses A4 wings )
since his is what started this thread i figured it would fit in here..hehe


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